On 27 & 28 June 2024, NPHyCo organised a national workshop in Ukraine to discuss the project, its outcomes and potential benefits for Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPP). This workshop was led by project partner ESG and was kindly hosted by the Rivne NPP.
As part of the NPHyCo project a survey has just been launched in order to identify citizens opinion towards nuclear and hydrogen.
On 10 June 2024, NPHyCo organised a meeting with its Advisory Board in order to share the latest project developments and receive their feedback. The meeting started off with a brief introduction of the goals of the project. It was then noted that significant results stemming from this project are expected to become available in September 2024.
On 23 May 2024, Martin Kykal, a representative from ES Group presented an open lecture to students and faculty at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň during the Nuclear Days 2024. Attendees were introduced to insights gained from the NPHyCo project, with the lecture focusing on utilising existing nuclear resources for hydrogen production. He indicated that the project explores the integration of hydrogen production equipment with resources that nuclear power plants can provide, such as electrical power, demineralised water, cooling water, and also addresses legislative, nuclear, and radiation safety issues.
The Spanish Nuclear Association (SNE) has recently organised a series of training sessions relating to hydrogen and nuclear energy on 16, 18 and 23 April 2024. Cecilia Herrero (Tecnatom) was invited to present the NPHyCo projet during one of these webinars.
As part of her intervention she provided an overview of the project and outlined outcomes so far:
On 18 April 2024, Canet Serin (Framatome GmbH) attended the SNETP Forum in Rome (Italy) in order to present the NPHyCo project.
As part of her intervention, she gave an overview of the aims of NPHyCo. In this respect she drew attention to some of the challenges which the EU is fading in terms of decarbonising its economy and how hydrogen, produced from nuclear, can help tackle these challenges. Furthermore, she outlined the goals of the project, including:
In addition to this presentation, NPHyCo also had an exhibit in the coffee area, allowing participants to come and find out more about the project. On 5 April 2024, NPHyCo was invited to the TANDEM Industrial Users Group (IUG) meeting in order to provide an update on the project. A representative from a second EU Project, GEMINI 4.0, was also invited to give a presentation and this gave an opportunity to discuss potential synergies between these three projects.
In her presentation, Canet Serin (Framatome GMBH) presented the goals of the NPHyCo project and gave an overview of the 6 Work Packages and current status of the Deliverables. In addition to these three EU Projects, GENVIA (a public / private joint venture between CEA, Schlumberger, Occitanie, Vinci, and Vicat) was invited to present the work it is undertaking in the field of hydrogen in order to help heavy industry achieve long-term decarbonisation goals. Given the close interlink between the work of GENVIA and NPHyCo, it was agreed that continued engagement between the two would prove fruitful. In December, Technical Director of ES Group Oleksandr Mazurok spoke about the work on the NPHyCo project in an interview with the Ukrainian industry resource Uatom.org. The interview covered topics related to hydrogen energy, including prospects for hydrogen production at Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPPs), and the introduction of hydrogen plants in Ukraine and the world. He provided an overview of the project’s goals and objectives, as well as the work performed and interim results achieved to date.
He highlighed that three types of electrolyzers have been selected for the project: two of them use hydrogen electrolysis and one uses steam electrolysis. At European plants, steam electrolysis may be the optimal solution, but the current results show that this option is not possible for Ukrainian NPPs. Click here to view the interview in Ukrainian. The results of the NPHyCo project were presented by ES Group at its stand at the World Nuclear Exhibition 2023 (WNE2023), which took place in Paris from 28-30 November 2023.
Information about the NPHyCo project was prepared as a separate section in ES Group’s materials. The topic was also widely covered at the working meetings held during the exhibition. More information In November 2023, NPHyCO was represented in a panel session dedicated to emerging nuclear technologies during the 2023 edition of ENLIT held in Paris, France. During this session. Canet Serin, Hydrogen Projects Manager at Covalion, a Framatome spin-off, provided an overview of the project, including the fact that it is assessing the feasibility of producing hydrogen near a nuclear power plant and that it will analyse potential offtakers like the steel, iron, fertilizer and petrochemical industry. In this respect she noted that the technical feasibility of the project is not in question and that offtakers are largely interested in reliability of hydrogen supply at a competitive price.
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June 2024
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