Thanks to project partner ES Group a Ukrainian version of both the NPHyCo website and public acceptance survey are now available!
In order to promote the results of the NPHyCo project, an article entitled “Nuclear Powered Hydrogen Cogeneration (NPHyCo Project) - Hydrogen Technologies at Operating Nuclear Power Plants” was published by Oleksandr Mazurok, General Director of Energy Safety Group LLC, and member of the Board of PO “Ukrainian Nuclear Society” (UkrNS), as part of the “Interesting about Nuclear Science” project implemented by the UkrNS.
NPHyCo discussed during Prospects for the Introduction of Innovations in Nuclear Energy conference11/26/2024 On 26 and 27 September 2024, the VI International Scientific and Technical Conference “Prospects for the Introduction of Innovations in Nuclear Energy” was organised in Kyiv, Ukraine, by the Ukrainian Nuclear Society (UkNS). This event provided an opportunity for a presentation on “Nuclear Powered Hydrogen Cogeneration at Ukrainian NPPs in frame of the NPHyCo Euratom Project” by project partner ES Group.
During the 31st International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 31), held from 3-8 August in Prague (Czech Republic), NPHyCo partner ESG had the opportunity to present the latest results stemming from this EU funded project.
On Monday 4 November 2024, NPHyCo partners Framatome and Energy Safety Group (ESG) organised the first of a series of webinars on hydrogen production from nuclear, focusing on the technical requirements relating to the coupling of an existing nuclear power plant with a hydrogen production plant.